Career Development


Education and Training with Performance Appraisal

The development and cultivation of human resources are the cornerstones of sustainable business operation and continuous improvement. Nampo Resin's training policy is to "develop the organization's capabilities in line with the company's vision and strategy, embed corporate culture and values in employees' behavior, continually enhance core competencies, develop unique competitive advantages, cultivate all-round/international management talents, and shape an organizational culture of lifelong learning." To assist both the company and employees in rapidly advancing to meet the changing demands of the environment, there has been a proactive promotion of digital learning in recent years. This includes the use of online learning platforms such as "Nampo E Academy" and online English learning platforms, creating an innovative and diverse learning environment. This approach allows employees' learning activities to be unrestricted by time and space, and the acquired knowledge can be applied to the work environment to continuously enhance work efficiency.


In accordance with the Employee Performance Management Policy, KPI personnel undergo performance assessments every six months, with a total of two performance evaluations per year. All personnel, except consultants, probationary, and trainees, are subject to assessment, while non-KPI personnel undergo an annual performance evaluation. KPI evaluation goals are set for both overall staff and specific functional common goals (business, research and development), with assessments conducted every six months on goal achievement rates. High-level executives, promotion candidates, and employees with development potential undergo a 360-degree performance evaluation annually to gain a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics and potential.


Succession plan for important management

The company's succession planning for key management positions aligns with the future organizational development strategy, emphasizing the cultivation of key talents identified through high-potential talent assessments. When evaluating crucial management roles, considerations extend beyond excellent professional knowledge and managerial skills; alignment of employees' competencies and values with the company's philosophy is also emphasized.There are a total of 16 important managerial positions at the level of assistant manager and above in the company. These management roles are organized hierarchically, with executives, middle managers, and front-line supervisors within each department. Simultaneously, active efforts are invested in developing middle managers, equipping them with the capabilities needed for crucial management roles to effectively address the growing managerial demands of the company.

The company's Human Resources Department coordinates the establishment of a succession talent development mechanism, with the following execution details:

●  Identification of High-Potential Talents

Develop a list of critical positions and select potential successors, assessing their readiness timelines.Formulate Individual Development Programs (IDPs) aligned with company goals through competency evaluations, reinforcing required skills for each position to ensure timely succession.

Subsidiary Management Transition and Diversified Capability Enhancement

Prepare for the succession of the Chairman by cultivating General Managers as potential successors.Conduct succession training for CEOs, cultivating first-level managers as potential candidates.Develop cross-border management rotation plans, facilitating business visits to major clients globally for industry exchange and market trend insights.Participate in group investment and merger/acquisition projects, planning and executing tasks to enhance strategic thinking capabilities.Encourage lifelong learning and participation in EMBA courses, emphasizing English proficiency training.

●  360-Degree Assessment

Implement a 360-degree assessment, analyzing the performance of key management personnel from different perspectives (superiors, peers, subordinates), gaining comprehensive feedback to evaluate managerial performance.

●  Regular Promotion Assessment

Conduct regular promotion assessments, annually promoting outstanding talents to foster organizational succession and development.In response to retirements of General Managers in 2020, 2022, and 2023, an executive succession plan has been initiated, tracking the number of outstanding managers promoted each year to ensure organizational stability.

●  Diverse Training and Performance Evaluation

In recent years, the company has implemented a series of development courses for key management, with a focus on continual improvement. The courses and their corresponding years, along with the evaluation of learning effectiveness, are as follows:

Year 2021--Market-Oriented Management, Understanding Financial Statements and Relevant Data,Trends in Carbon Management and Introduction to Carbon Emission Control Platforms, etc...

Year 2022--Climate Change Risks,Sustainable Products, Greenhouse Gas Inventories, etc...

Year 2023--Risk Management Workshop andTCFD Climate Risk.

Additionally, in 2022, the company established the "Continual Improvement Team (CIT) Promotion Office" and incorporated continual improvement projects into the training curriculum for 2022 and 2023. Through cross-departmental collaboration, focusing on key tasks, and setting short, medium, and long-term goals, the company organized training programs to enhance employee capabilities. Case management and experience sharing mechanisms were established to facilitate knowledge transfer, and competitions with awards were held to motivate employees. These specific initiatives and training plans are presented with quantifiable metrics, aiding the company in a clearer assessment of the execution effectiveness of succession plans. This approach allows for further strategic adjustments to ensure a seamless leadership transition, equipped to address future challenges.


Mr. Hsu Ming-Hsien, the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO), joined Nampo Resins in 1986 in the Corporate Management Department. Over the years, he has held various positions, including General Management Manager and Deputy General Manager of the Planning Department. In 2017, he assumed the role of CEO, bringing with him industry knowledge, leadership in company management, and expertise in strategic leadership.


Aligned with the aforementioned succession plan execution, the company has identified a successor for the CEO position, and the transition is scheduled to take place within the next 2-3 years.


Employee development program

Name of Program

Energy Management Training for Internal Audit Personnel

Risk Management Awareness and Practical Training Course

Program Objective

In order to enhance the understanding of internal audit personnel regarding the international trends in energy management systems, and to assist in improving corporate energy efficiency, energy performance, and optimization of energy usage for achieving energy conservation and carbon reduction goals, NanPao conducted energy management system training for internal audit personnel. This training aims to cultivate the skills of internal auditors for ISO 50001 Energy Management System, assist in identifying audit deficiencies, facilitate improvement in relevant departments, maintain the operation of the system, and achieve environmental and carbon reduction objectives.

Utilizing the ISO 31000 risk management framework, enhance participants' understanding of quality risk management concepts, establish a mindset for risk management, and improve risk assessment capabilities.

Business Benefits

94% of the employees who participated in the course obtained the ISO certification.

97% of the employees who participated in the course obtained the ISO certification.

% of FTEs Participation






Photo: Internal trainers                                                                              Photo: English lesson


Photo:Vietnamese lesson






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