NANPAO Communication Issues in 2021

Communication Issues in 2021

Communication method of independent directors with internal auditing chief and certified public accountants: The Company has put in place direct contact channel for independent directors to communicate with internal auditing chief and certified public accountant. In line with the regulation of the regulator, the company audits its finance and business status regularly and communicates directly with management and corporate governance unit.


(1)The company’s internal auditing chief delivers internal auditing report at the quarterly meeting of the audit committee, covering status of execution of auditing operation and improvement and tracking, as well as effects, of the audited defects. In addition to delivery of written auditing report to independent directors monthly, internal auditing chief also makes specific business reports on the suggestion of any independent directors.


(2)After completing the auditing of the semiannual and annual financial statements, the company’s contracted certified public accountants reports the result of the auditing or checking of the financial statements of the company and its subsidiaries both domestic and overseas ones at the auditing committee, as well as other legally required communications items.



The independent directors and internal auditing chief have good communication, and independent directors have no other suggestions. Communication issues in 2021 are showed as follows.

Date and Communication Channel

Communication Items

Communication Result


Audit Communication Meeting

1. Structure and members of audit department.

2. Audit planning and audit result.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Board of Director

1. Audit result and improvement tracking.

2. Audit information declaration.

3. Annual self-assessment of internal control.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Board of Director

1. Audit result and improvement tracking.

2. Audit information declaration.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Board of Director

1. Audit result and improvement tracking.

2. Audit information declaration.


Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Board of Director

1. Audit result and improvement tracking.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.

2021.11. 10

Audit Planning Meeting

1.Annual audit plan of 2022.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.



The independent directors and certified public accountants have good communication, and independent directors have no other suggestions. Communication issues in 2021 are showed as follows.

Date and Communication Channel

Communication Items

Communication Result


Audit Summary Stage Communication Meeting


Summary of 2020 audit items:

1. Group auditing scope and method.

2. Identification of significant risk and reaction

3. Key audit matters of statutory and consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Audit Committee/ Board of Director

Audit summary of 2020 statutory and consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Audit Committee/ Board of Director

Review summary of 2021Q1 consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Audit Committee/ Board of Director

Review summary of 2021Q2 consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Audit Committee/ Board of Director

Review summary of 2021Q3 consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.


Audit Planning Stage Communication Meeting


Planning of 2021 audit items:

1. Group auditing scope and method.

2. Identification of significant risk and reaction.

3. Key audit matters of statutory and consolidated financial statements.

Independent directors have no other suggestions.



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